Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Darn Motivation

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 284
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 96
AM: Ride- group ride 5.30am. Ride there and back
PM: Run- 30 min easy followed by 5 x 50m strides and 20 min stretch

Today's Journal
Today there was no training. This morning I went to the physio again to have my right shoulder worked on, it is improving slightly. I have come to the conclusion that this shoulder maybe something that requires ongoing treatment and it maybe something I just have to live with...but we will see. I have another appointment on Monday.

Spent a bit of time working on, and carrying out some maintenance on my bikes. Kitted up both bikes with spares and bought another pump for the race bike (with CO2 cartridge attachment) I decided I have to do something about this motivation problem and sat down for the rest of the afternoon and watched the 2007 Australian Ironman highlights and a couple of DVD's Mark had lent me. I have to say that they did the job.

With someone in the family competing at a National level for the first time, I have found that I am being caught up in the emotion of this experience and that it is affecting my training. I believe that it is important to be supporting Karen in her preparations for this 'big event' (week of competitions). Hopefully that when this event is over things will go back to a relative normal level of stress and saneness. However, it has been good in one way, in that we both gain a good understanding of what it means to prepare for and compete in a 'big' event.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Double Session - Bike/Run

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 286
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 98
AM: Ride: 90 -120 mins in 39/16-19 @ 95+ cadence on flat terrain @ 70% max hr
PM: Run: 30-45 mins @ 65-70% max hr followed by 20 min stretch

Today's Journal
Up and off for a 2 hour ride. The details of the ride were as follows:

Session Evaluation:

Bike Session: The session was probably a touch longer than it should of been, but it was good to spend a little more time in the saddle. Having days back to back on the bike has been a good conditioning exercise. The legs are relatively fresh and still feel good.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Ride

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 287
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 99
AM: Group Ride - Including a 20km Time Trial
PM: Rest

Today's Journal
Up at 5.00am to be greeted with rain still hanging round from over night. Quickly jumped on the radar to check what the weather was doing and decided that it wasn't going to hang around much longer and that the ride would be a good the end a good decision, it was a great morning. Initially went for a spin for 45min then ended up at the Criterium track to do a 20km TT and then a spin home.

Session Evaluation: The full TT kit was put on the Trek (including the race wheels). I am taking the opportunity to test all the setups over the coming months. The conditions were reasonable; however, there was a decent head wind down the front straight. Throughout the TT I stayed in the small chain ring at the front. The overall time was 33:40. This time is very similar to the other times I have ridden a 20km TT at the Crit Track; however, there wasn't the head wind on previous 2 occassions.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Super Saturday

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 288
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 100
AM: Swim Session
PM: Run - cross country race Sherwood Forest park 2.45pm 4km

Today's Journal
Todays sessions were both in the afternoon. The swim session started at 12.00pm. I am currently struggling with my motivation at the moment, a number of factors may be influencing this; cool mornings and holidays. Decided that it would be in my best interest to go to the swim session; however, it was to be one with very little stroke action as to give my shoulder an opportunity to heal. The session was taylored just for me, (maybe not) it was focussing on improving leg/kick strength and conditioning.

The second part of today's training was a cross country run out at Sherwood. Initally I was not keen on the idea...there is that motivation thing again...really needed some friends to come too. In the end a 5 of us ended up running. Well was a challenging course particularly when we had just done a focus session on kicking/legs in the pool. The Sherwood course has a number of challenging hills...hmmmmmm. The distance today was 6km...2 x 3km loop...doing the hills twice....hmmm...nice. (tongue in cheek). Thanks goodness we had Muffy there earlier who had done the sensible thing and just run the 3km race and warned us of the things to come.

Below are some stats from my race:

Session Evaluation:

Swim Session: A positive session, was good to be able to do a good session while being injured, The focus on the kicking/leg side of my swimming is one area that could improve. I struggle with maintaining a constant kick throughout the swim. The session today went in improving the strength and conditioning of my legs. At the end of the session my legs were quite fatigued but I walked...stumbled away from the session happy with the outcome.

Cross Country Race: Its was ideal condir\tions for X-C running, cool, no sun and very little breeze to speak of. The focus for this race was on the first 2 km to control my pace at which I go out from the start. I set the Pace alarm on the garmin to go off when I was going faster then 4min pace. This work particularly well. Worked araound the 4:15min pace throughout the race. The hills in some parts challenged this notion. Over all I was happy with the race and found that my legs had a very good work out today. Still, there is a goal to negative split these races...still to be worked on...try and get the pace right first.

Overall Time 6km X-C : 0:26:02

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Unscheduled Day Off

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 291
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 108
AM: Bike - 5.30am group session with Byron cnr Victoria St. & Riverside Dve, West End
PM: Swim Session

Today's Journal
Today saw the coldest Brisbane day in nearly 80 years. Throughout the night we encountered high winds of in excess of 70km an hour which continued into the morning. Tuesday evening saw me preparing for the ride; however, due to the high winds and cold temperatures I chicken out. I am a little disappointed that I missed out on one of Byron's bike sessions.

After Monday's swim I have been struggling with a particular pain in the upper right pec/shoulder, this pain has been ongoing on varying levels over the last couple of months. It appears to get worse after swim session that focus on the upper body.....not sure really. Tomorrow off to the Physio to see what he thinks.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tuesday's Training

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 292
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 104
AM: Run - group run 5.45am from Centenary pool (Hills session)
PM: Ride - 75-90 mins in 39/16-19 cadence 95-105 under 145 hr

Today's Journal
The run session began in quite cool conditions; however, once we began to get into it, we began to warm up. The session was made up of:

Warm up

Steps set (5 x quick/light steps & 5 x 3steps at a time - Core)

3 x varying length hill sets with core work in between

Warm down

Session Evaluation: AM Session was the first time I have done this session and it was great to run with other people, helps with that motivation. Enjoyed the stairs set; however, did find the quads tightened up a little afterwards...bit of stretching and all were good. The hill sets were a great challenge the gradient wasn't that steep however, it allowed the legs to build up some strength.

Monday, June 18, 2007

800m Swim TT

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 293
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 105
AM: Rest
PM: Swim Session

Today's Journal
This morning was well earned rest after the super Saturday and Sunday. This was a great weekend of training, it's when you've completed it and sit back and reflect that you realise that the whole thing was very worthwhile.

The PM session was at the pool, and yes it was a little cool, but once you were in swimming it was a reasonable temperature. Warm up was 3 x 100m easy then 3 x 100m pull bouy. Then some drills 1x25m easy, 1x25m medium, 1x25m hard we did this 4 times. The we went on to do a time trial, the distance was 800m. A warm down followed 300m of choice.

Session Evaluation: The swim session was the first time we had done a time trial in the pool. After/during the warm up struggled a little with sore shoulders, particularly the right one. Todays distance was 800m. I completed the fisrt 400m reasonably well, probably a little too hard, could of eased back on the pace during this time as to maintain a more consistant pace over the full 800m. From about the 400m to 600m began to fatigue a fair bit, particularly aerobically, the shoulder were also became a little more noticeable during this period. I began to try and relax a little more throughout the section and dropped the pace off a little more to enhance this. From the 600m to 800m I picked it up a little still working on keeping everything relaxed. Througout this TT I had not used bi-lateral breathing.

800m TT - 14min16sec

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Super Sunday

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 294
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 106

AM: Trail Run- 6 AM Slaughter Falls Car Park, Mt Cootha (ride there)
PM: Stretch Session (20min)

Today's Journal
Sunday morning rode to slaughter falls, 30min/12km ride with a number of hills. The trail run this morning entailed a similar route to the last trail run.

Session Evaluation: This was an enjoyable but challenging trail run, particularly after the sessions that I did yesterday. The legs were feeling rather fatigued before the trail session, and particularly that I had cycled to the start venue of the Trail run. Throughout the session I worked within my limits; however, that was until we reached that hill. (Just working it out from the Garmin, the hill has a 28% gradient for about 500m) Initially we did well to run up the first part; however, after about 200m it became a lost cause and walking/striding was the only option...even that was tough, the quads got a good workout.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Super Saturday

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 295
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 107

AM: Swim - group session Suttons Beach Redcliffe 9.00am ride there and back
PM: Cross country race 4km ride there and back

Today's Journal
Started off the day a little later than usual...only 7.30am. The morning was a little chilly rugged up with undershirt, leg and arm warmers and set off. On the Gaint today.

The ride out:

I arrived first at Suttons Beach to find that so far there were no takers, after a while Mark turned up and then a few other joined me for the 'fun'. The water was flat and calm, a big change from last time; however, thank God for wet suites, without them we would of froze. To be truely honest, once you began swimming the water wasn't too bad, it was when you stopped that it got a little chilly. I was really happy with this session it was approximately a 2km session. I seem to swim a lot better in the open water then I do in the pool.

The ride home:

The PM session was another Cross Country race that QLD Athletics were holding. Today's race was 4km. This was Race 2 of the 'Challenge Series' between Pete and me. After today it was 1 a piece. Again I began the race way too fast, probably got caught up too much in the hype of the start, I really need to still work on maintaining a consistent pace over the complete distance. Looking at the split times below it may be realistic for a 4km race to aim at a 3:45min/k race pace.

4km X-C Race - 16min19sec

Thursday, June 14, 2007

It's FRIDAY....guess that means holidays

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 296
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 108
AM: Ride - 75 -90 mins in 39/16-19 @ 100+ cadence hr under 145
PM: Stretch Session

Today's Journal
Coming Soon

Session Evaluation: Coming Soon

A momentary lapse of reason

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 297
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 109
AM: Core control 20 mins
PM: Run - 15 min w/u followed by 10 x 150m strides up slight hill @85% with jog back rec and 10 min w/d

Today's Journal
It was back into training today...after momentary lapse of reason. A good solid session of core control, integrating a number of gym ball exercise into this program now...a bit of variation. A little more focus on the obliques.

This afternoon I did the stride session, the first of this type of session I have been able to complete. I really enjoyed the session and followed it exactly as detailed.

Session Evaluation: Felt good in both sessions, however, at the end stages of the Hill strides I felt a little niggle in the right thigh. With stretching and a bit of ice it should be fine. Think it may of been caused buy the way/course I was running...there was a sharp bend to the left at about half way and also may have been caused by the sudden change of direction at the completion of the 150m. But a worthwhile session and aerobically felt good. Would like to get hold some tips on reducing heart rates throughout the session.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On the road again

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 298
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 110
AM: Ride - 30 min w/u; 30 min hill circuit staying in seat in 53/17-19 @ 75-80% max hr and 20 min spin w/d
PM: Swim Session

Today's Journal
This morning the motivation was low and there was very little effort to get up and do the ride. There are a number of issues influencing the motivation; work, its cold and dark in the mornings. I am looking forward to the holidays to be able to relax a little and get into a bit of fair dinkum training.

I decide that this can no longer continue and made the effort to go to the pool. I am really enjoying my swimming at the moment and see an improvement across the board. The session tonight focused on a number of things; hypoxic work and upper body/arm strength drills. The hypoxic work was tough particularly the 7 stroke breaths but there are always benefits to drills like this.

I find that turning up to a squad session always improves the motivation and have found that true for me tonight...I'm on the road again.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do I have too?

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 299
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 111
AM: Run 60-75 mins 140-160 hr through Chermside Hills reserve and 10 min stretch after
PM: Core control 20 mins & 20 min stretch

Today's Journal & Evaluation
The motivation is very low at the up this morning for the run...too dark and cold...found every excuse under the sun to not run...and therefore didn't.

Pm session didn't happen either.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Day of Rest

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 300
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 112
AM: Ride - 1.5-2hrs in 39/16-19 95-105 cadence under 145 hr
PM: Rest

Today's Journal
Nothing to add for today.

Session Evaluation: After a fairly big weekend of training I decided that I would have today off. The legs are feeling relatively 'heavy' and tired. The quads, hammies and upper leg/hip muscles are feeling the weekend.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday morning cycle...destination....Mt Mee

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 301
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 113
AM: Cycle - Group Session
PM: Rest

Today's Journal
Assembled for the sunday morning cycle and 11 of us set out on a quest to concore the asent of Mt Mee...after we got there of course. The cycle to Daybora was indeed the first challenge that needed to be achieved, many rolling hills with some geat climbs. The stats from the cycle are as follows:

Session Evaluation: You will find out shortly

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Winter has hit with vengence

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 302
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 114
AM: Swim Session
PM: Cross country race: 6km (Queensland Athletics)

Today's Journal
To say that its is cold today is an understatement. It was a good start to the wasn't an early start. Late morning made my way to the pool via the bike shop to pick up a pair of leg warmer for the ride tomorrow morning as I would assume it will be a little chilly.

The swim session involve a little bit of strength and core control work along with some drills.

5 x 100m warm up

1 x 100m drill

2 x 100m drill

1 x 100m drill

Then we did a pool circuit that involved 25m hard swim, then out of the pool for 5 push ups back in for another 25m and out again for 5 crunches (by 10). Then we did another version of this circuit. The session ended with some alternate drills which were a hoot! the 100m warm down.

From the pool a number of us went out to Carseldine to compete in the 6km cross country. This was obviously something different for a cold windy Saturday afternoon but a worthwhile training session.

The stats of this run are as follows:

Session Evaluation: The swim session was a positive session, one of the drills we do, which I am not a particular fan of, is one that I am gauging as to the progress of my swimming. This drill involves body in torpedo formation (hands out in front) then every 6 kicks turning the whole body from back up to back down, focusing on maintaining head position and hold core stable. Today I found particular success in the drill, a lot more confident and lot less uncoordinated (looking). A bit more of a fan of this drill now. I am still persisting with the bi-lateral breathing and it is improving slowly. I find with my swimming I do rely on my arms alot for the momentum through the water; however, I believe my kick is also improving.
The cross country session later in the afternoon was a bit of a challenge. The previous swim session a little on 1 1/2hours ago and cold windy conditions made this session even more challenging. But in saying that it is good to train in these types of conditions and at a level of fatigue to condition the body for these types of stresses in races. The race started at a far quicker pace than what I would of liked and this is a continued area of my running that I need to address, throughout the race the pace slow dropped to, at one stage 4:40min pace. The finish time was a credible 25min25sec. I completed the first 3km lap in 12:30. The legs (in particular the quads) were feeling it on the second lap. Aerobically I was feeling OK.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is that water falling out of the sky?

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 305
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 117
AM: Bike - 60-75 min spin in 39/16-19 keep hr low
PM: Swim Session
Today's Journal
No bike session this morning...its finally raining and good soaking rain. A little to dangerous for the roads.
However, I went to the swim session...your going to get wet anyway. It was colder out of the water than in it...there was steam coming off the water. 5 x 100m warm up, 6 x 50m stroke count, 20 x 50m one arm drills, 2 different kicking drills and the a couple of skins races...100m warm down.

Session Evaluation: This was a great session, Mark was very complimentery of my swimming commenting that it had improved over the last couple of weeks...and I tend to agree with him...I have been focussing more and more on the head position and bi-laterally breathing and it seems to be paying off.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Plenty of programmed action..but none happening

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 306
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 118
AM: Run - Easy 20 min @ 60-65% followed by 5 x 100m strides @ 85-90% with jog back rec and 10 min jog w/d
PM: Stretch Session (20min)

Today's Journal
Nothing to comment here!

Session Evaluation: Today was a good opportunity to catch up on sleep and just settle the body. Work a little busy at the moment.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Swim Session

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 307
Days to GC Half Ironman 2007 - 119
AM: Rest
PM: Rest

Today's Journal
I did have a rest session for PM however I decided to get a little damp and went off to the swim session.

Session Evaluation: A positive session at the pool...the swimming is looking up.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ocean Swim Session

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 309
Days to Comera Half Ironman - 121
AM: Ocean Swim - 9.00am (Squad Session)
PM: Core Control & Stretch Session

Today's Journal
Met up with Katie and Pete and road out to Suttons beach for our Ocean swim session. This was the maiden voyage for 'Fast Eddie' a name that some people have given the new bike (Trek E9). Might I say I was mightly impressed with the way in which the bike road. The only thing I will add is that I am a little 'wonky' when it come to changing the gears on the aerobars...but I soon get the hang of that. The pedal strokes and gear changes are just 'beautiful'. Anyway the session was an ocean swim...well that it was...cold...choppy and thank heavens I remembered the wet suit...because it was great at keeping that cold at bay...for a while anyway. The water was choppy and was good experience. It gave me the opportunity to confidently work in and out of the swell. A great session.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Day of Rest

Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 310
AM: Rest
PM: Rest
Today's Journal
7 hours sleep last night. After the run yesterday afternoon my legs felt quite good. Last night was the first time in a long..long time that I spent stretching for longer than 15 minutes..and it really paid off today...I have some slight tightness in my calves. Diet has been good this week most nights cooked something at home and all of them had some sort of vegies.
Session Evaluation: Great rest day...feel pretty good