Fitness? It’s not just hard effort. It’s more consistency. Don’t miss workouts.
Joe Friel
EXACTLY.....note for one to remember!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Words of Wisdom
Monday, December 27, 2010
Week 19 - The Week in Review
"Concentrate on the process and the outcome will look after itself."This week was back on the wagon.
Back into the pool this week and some consistent training. The week leading into Christmas is not always a good one for consistency in anyone's books but I was sure going to try and start this campaign off on the right foot.
Core was the session to see me off into this campaign. Rather fitting start considering that it WAS one of my most dreaded sessions. But I have decided to embrace these sessions and have begun to change my mindset.
The session includes using both resistance tubes and body weight to develop my core strength and stability.
The format of the session is firstly made up of 15 x 50sec (with 10sec rest) exercises using the resistance tubes. These exercises mainly work the abs and obliques and of course both left and right sides. The use of the tubes gives the session a bit of variety and spices the session up.
The next 15min are working through 5 x 50sec (with 10sec rest) exercises repeating them 3 times = 15min. These include; prone hold, push ups, squat, bicycle crunches, and leg raises.
Then for the last 15min I repeat the 1st resistance tube set again.
Between these 15min sets I had a 3min recovery.
I set myself a challenging session 1st up but I believe if I consistently work at this workout twice each week I definitely think that it will help me in achieving the goals I have set down.
The evening was spent on the massage table mainly working on the legs and loosening the lower back.
Got on the bike and rode to the run session...trying to get extra km in the legs with the bike where I can, even if it is only to and from other training sessions.
The day started with some run efforts on a sports field. A good intense session and certainly got a few 'bugs' out of the system.
The body felt good, a few niggles associated with the upper hamstrings still, but this I believe is related to my back and will just need to be managed through massage, stretching and physio.
After riding home, I did a quick 15min resistant tube workout.
In the evening it was one of many session in the pool for the week. Was in early and did 750m before squad begun. Total distance for the swim session was 3.5km.
The morning was a easy ride on the bike, keeping it flat and easy. Total 60km in about 2hr15m.
Back in the pool for the evening, for a 2.7km swim session.
Thursday was AM and PM sessions in the pool.
The AM session consisted of a 'shoulder' busting workout with 20 x 100m with 5 pushups at the end of each 100m.
For the first workout of this type for this IM campaign I was reasonably satisfied...the shoulders were struggling to push out the 5th push up after the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th 100m.
The PM session was another character building session. This being the 4th session of the week the arms were becoming a little more fatigued but there was a strong willingness to power through and make it a good week in the pool for the 1st week of the 2011 IM Campaign.
This session was a total of 3.1km which included getting in early and doing 400m of kick with fins. I have also decided to work more on improving my kick.
Friday: (Christmas Eve)
The morning was back in the pool. A solid 3.5km endurance set. The arms were working hard throughout the session and it was definitely obvious that the arms were lacking some of that muscular endurance type strength as towards the end of the session the times for the 100m were getting a little slower....not by much but was sets here! Also thinking it might help with the hamstring and back management.
PM session was 30min of core strength and stability with the resistant tubes,
Saturday: (Christmas Day)
Merry Christmas....a well earned break from the training to celebrate Christmas with family.
PM session was to work off all those extra calories with a 60min run (11km) - hard work considering the lazy morning that was had. The HR at time was sitting above the 200bpm for extended periods of time but it was a enjoyable run, particularly with the rain.
Sunday: (Boxing Day)
A miserable day.....torrential rain all day.
Spent 2hrs on the wind trainer......should of painted a wall and watched it dry!!!
Legs were feeling good, it was only a easy spin.
Weekly Stats:
Swim: 14.8km (5h20m)
Cycle: 80.7km (5hr00m)
Run: 17.4km (1hr45m)
Core: 1hr45min
Maintenance: 1hr00m
Sunday, December 19, 2010
ALL or Nothing for the next 19 weeks.
Life, to me, is a series of false limits and my challenge as an athlete is to explore those limits."—Lance Armstrong
Today signifies 19 weeks from IM Australia
Tomorrow is where the rubber hits the road.
There is no longer room for excuses or is time to embrace the force! The IM force...the emotions and motivation that comes with racing at an Ironman. Even if it is the 4th time..........There is an Island in Hawaii that further fuels this explore ones limits and potential.
Tomorrow the commitment begins......the 5 commandments become the basis of the next 19 weeks....a set of rules and guidelines that will push me towards achieving my goals.
There is a strong sense of accountability surrounding this campaign. Some may thing it is not something that holds strong but it is a theory that I am happy to put my faith in to assist me in achieving the goals that I have put out there. My commitment to training and my goals will have a strong accountability to a number of people, which will include Coach, my Wife-Karen (who is working in partnership with Coach), my training buddies and my peers.....all who I am hoping will keep me 'honest' throughout this campaign. Karen has been charged with the task of developing some penalties and rewards to keep me accountable. At this stage the KPI's will definitely be achieved....some of these penalties are not things I am liking!!! (Stay's going to be interesting)
The main KPI's are based around the 5 commandments:
- 97-99% completion rate of training sessions
- No more excuse (eating and training right etc.)
- No procrastination with trainings etc.
- I am to be a leader in training
- Complete 2 core sessions a week.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The 2011 Training Plan
Was ahead in terms of training......
Training for this campaign is going to look very similar to the previous 3 campaigns. The 2010 campaign for NZ was very different to the past 2 campaigns.....NZ IM was based on a 11 week lead in as opposed to a standard 20 weeks for the other races. In saying this, I am very much looking fora full 20week lead up to IM Oz in 2011. The potential in reaching my goals this time round is so much more and I am very much looking forward to the training ahead.
The overview of training for 2011 looks like this:
The program will work around 3 weeks 'on' 1 week recovery.
Week 20 - 17:
Swim Focus
Week 16 - 13:
Bike Build
Weeks 13 - 0:
Monday Am: Rest
Monday Pm: Core
Tuesday Am: Long Run
Tuesday Pm: Swim
Wednesday Am: Bike Strength
Wednesday Pm: Bike/Run
Thursday Am: Coach/Swim
Thursday Pm: Swim
Friday Am: Wind Trainer/Run
Friday Pm: Core
Saturday Am: Swim/Bike
Saturday Pm: Run
Sunday Am: Long Bike
Sunday Pm: Rest
The maintenance throughout this time will include:
Training for this campaign is going to look very similar to the previous 3 campaigns. The 2010 campaign for NZ was very different to the past 2 campaigns.....NZ IM was based on a 11 week lead in as opposed to a standard 20 weeks for the other races. In saying this, I am very much looking fora full 20week lead up to IM Oz in 2011. The potential in reaching my goals this time round is so much more and I am very much looking forward to the training ahead.
The overview of training for 2011 looks like this:
The program will work around 3 weeks 'on' 1 week recovery.
Week 20 - 17:
Swim Focus
Week 16 - 13:
Bike Build
Weeks 13 - 0:
Monday Am: Rest
Monday Pm: Core
Tuesday Am: Long Run
Tuesday Pm: Swim
Wednesday Am: Bike Strength
Wednesday Pm: Bike/Run
Thursday Am: Coach/Swim
Thursday Pm: Swim
Friday Am: Wind Trainer/Run
Friday Pm: Core
Saturday Am: Swim/Bike
Saturday Pm: Run
Sunday Am: Long Bike
Sunday Pm: Rest
The maintenance throughout this time will include:
- Massage every 2 weeks
- Physio visit every 4 weeks and when required
- Sport Nutrition accountability every 3 weeks
- Acupuncture every 3 weeks
Monday, December 13, 2010
TimO 2011 IM Australia Campaign Has Been Launched
"What we have is based upon moment-to-moment choices of what we do.In each of those moments, we choose.We either take a risk and move toward what we want, or we play it safe and choose comfort. Most of the people, most of the time, choose comfort. In the end, people either have excuses or experiences; reasons or results; buts or brilliance.They either have what they wanted or they have a detailed list of all the rational reasons why not."~ AnonymousSunday December 12, 2010 signified 20 weeks out from my 4th Ironman Race in as many years. It is an addiction, it is an enjoyment that is obviously, at times, indescribable, but I continue working through the goals, challenges, disappointments and results to hear 'YOU ARE AN IRONMAN'! Only one who completes in an Ironman Triathlon can truly appreciate and understand what a simple phrase does to motivate a human being.
IM No.1 - 2008 (Port Macquarie):
Swim - 01:07:25
Bike - 05:48:11
Run - 04:14:40
Total - 11:22:46
IM No.2 - 2009 (Port Macquarie):
Swim - 01:03:05
Bike - 05:37:24
Run - 04:02:56
Total - 10:50:54
Swim - 01:01:16
Bike - 05:55:10
Run - 04:25:16
Total - 11:34:17
This week is a recovery week as I competed at the Canberra HIM on the weekend. I have identified this week as a organisational and planning week for the 2011 IM Campaign. It firstly started on Monday putting together an overview of my 'maintenance' program for the 20 weeks which included booking appointments for massages, sports nutritionist and physio. All these are an important part of achieving my goals for this IM campaign.
(I am one who believes that there needs to be a goal that is a challenge to initially achieve but ultimately with commitment, dedication and hard work can be reached.)
- To qualify for Kona in my new age group (40-44)
- To work towards getting as close to the qualifying time as possible in 2011
- To go between 10h00m & 10h30m
- Go under 1hr for the swim
- Go under 5h30m for the bike
- Go under 4h50m for the run
- Throughout the 19week campaign have between a 97-99% session completion rate.
- Race at under 80kg
To achieve these goals I have put together 5 TimO Commandments:
- Thou shall not give excuses (work, diet etc.)
- Thou shall not procrastinate
- Thou shall be a leader in training
- Thou shall be accountable to my peers
- Thou shall put a great importance on completing 2 core sessions a week.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The 5 P's
Perfect Planning Prevents Poor Performance
There are various aspects to triathlon racing to be successful. Everybody's definition of a 'successful' race is different. It maybe just to finish, or achieve a personal best but whatever it is there is a lot of things that need to fall into place to be able to achieve this.
Whilst the physical training is very important in this success, and mental preparation is vital, careful planning and organisation of the race is something that compliments and assists in this success. I would have to say that most people who embark on the sport of triathlon for a number of season have some personal characteristic that involves a need to be organised and even being rather 'OCD' about their race organisation and planning.
I am a self confessed OCD triathlete to a certain extent. One of the things that you need to have a handle on in this sport is the being able to be flexible, be able to accept that things will go wrong and things may not always go to plan. This is something, whilst being quiet OCD on one hand, I don't get stressed when things don't happen to go to the well laid out plans that were set before the race. It is important to be able to change these plans throughout the race to still be able to achieve aspects of the goals that were identified before the race, even if it just to finish under the cut off time.
But in saying this I haven't had a real lot go wrong in my 3 Ironman races and 7 HIM and I certainly believe that much of this is due to my thoroughness in my planning and organisation for the race. The planning and organisation involves a number of different strategies:
The checklist is one of the most important strategy that I have used throughout my past 5 seasons of being a triathlete. It is something I have developed over time and is definitely unique to me and the distance which I race (IM & 70.3).
The checklist includes things like:
Race Timelines
There are various aspects to triathlon racing to be successful. Everybody's definition of a 'successful' race is different. It maybe just to finish, or achieve a personal best but whatever it is there is a lot of things that need to fall into place to be able to achieve this.
Whilst the physical training is very important in this success, and mental preparation is vital, careful planning and organisation of the race is something that compliments and assists in this success. I would have to say that most people who embark on the sport of triathlon for a number of season have some personal characteristic that involves a need to be organised and even being rather 'OCD' about their race organisation and planning.
I am a self confessed OCD triathlete to a certain extent. One of the things that you need to have a handle on in this sport is the being able to be flexible, be able to accept that things will go wrong and things may not always go to plan. This is something, whilst being quiet OCD on one hand, I don't get stressed when things don't happen to go to the well laid out plans that were set before the race. It is important to be able to change these plans throughout the race to still be able to achieve aspects of the goals that were identified before the race, even if it just to finish under the cut off time.
But in saying this I haven't had a real lot go wrong in my 3 Ironman races and 7 HIM and I certainly believe that much of this is due to my thoroughness in my planning and organisation for the race. The planning and organisation involves a number of different strategies:
- Checklists;
- Time lines for race day and lead up days;
- Tubs;
- Visualisation techniques of the race;
- Taper week Menu Plans;
- Documenting Nutrition and Hydration strategies for the race;
- Setting time and other (HR, Cadence) goals for throughout the race, (this will often be planned down to not only each leg but specific parts of each leg/discipline, particularly if I have done the race/course before.) The Garmin data comes in handy here, as I will often go back and analysis this data before my next race on a particular course.
The checklist is one of the most important strategy that I have used throughout my past 5 seasons of being a triathlete. It is something I have developed over time and is definitely unique to me and the distance which I race (IM & 70.3).
The checklist includes things like:
- Race Details
- Race Day Timelines
- Pre Race Items
- General Items
- Swim
- Bike
- Run
- Nutrition/Hydration Checklist (Pre-race, Swim, Bike & Run)
- Timing Goals
![]() |
Checklist for GCHIM 2010 |
Leaving yourself enough time to get to the start line organised and relaxed is vital in having a good race and being in a solid mental state when you take that first stroke.
Triathlon has a number of deadlines to be meet for example, registrations, transitions (racking bikes etc.), open and closing of transitions on race day, and of course your start time.
I usually include this as a part of my Checklist (above)
I have found that if I document these times as a guide I have been able to get to that start line with a minimum of fuss and stress.
Need I say anymore. I have a room where all these tubs are situated and all matter of triathlon gear has it's own place. It just makes finding things much easier and a simple process preparing and packing for a race. This year I have portable tubs that will go to some races. ;-)
This one techniques that I have become better at over the years. It become even more useful if you have done a particular course previously.
The strategy of visualisation can be done at various levels. I use it in the days leading up to the race to visualise in my head firstly what is is involved in getting to the race venue, setting up transitions and lastly what I will do throughout the race. I would do this a number of times to have a clear picture of what I plan to do in the race. I will even go through visualising things that I could see would possibly go a little pear shaped throughout the race and develop some contingency plans for these, but again you can't do this for everything. For example, a flat etc.
Taper Week Menu Plans
This is simply a nutrition plan for the week leading up to the race, including detailing the progressive carbo loading.
This is something I'm still refining.
Nutrition and Hydration Race Strategy
This strategy is included on my Race Checklist.
It will normally include my plan for nutrition and hydration pre race and during the race.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Positive Outlook for the New Season
Welcome to the 2010-2011 Triathlon Season
Hold onto your seats......
There is something about the atmosphere of transition precinct at a triathlon....the smell of muscle rub, the endless lines at the porta-loos (not to mention their smell), the thousands of dollars of bike hanging by their seats, endless cladded bodies with compression wear, the anticipation of what lies ahead as the hooter sounds.
It is the culmination of many, many hours of training which consists of much blood, sweat and dummy spits. It also indicates the beginning of many more hours of that hard work to successfully achieve the challenges that approach in another Triathlon season.
Personally, I'm a racer, whilst I believe in putting in the hard yards of training before a race, a race brings out my inner being. My gritty determination and mental focus comes to the forefront in a race. (something that is NOT always present in my training regime) For someone who is about to embark on his 6th Triathlon season, I still get somewhat 'emotional' (excited and nervous) leading up for the first triathlon of the season and its even more poignant when the 1st is a 70.3 or Half to love this long stuff!
The Gold Coast Half Ironman being our 'local' HIM for the season tends to be even more of a special race, it's where we have all of the BTS Squad making the effort to be out there on the sidelines, in the beanbags, supporting every athlete they have trained beside throughout the lead up sessions to the race. The encouragement, trash talk and support you get from the other BTS Athletes is such a motivating factor, in the lead up and particularly out there on the run, when it begins to hurt and someone passes on that little bit of encouragement, it gets you through that moment of weakness and hurt.
As I have alluded to, sometimes my training focus can become somewhat distracted and poor excuses and commitment issues become the basis of these distractions. (but you have to remember, without a job, there wouldn't be this addiction) But, if I can manage my time and train for 3 IM and get favourable results, there is really no reason why I can't commit to getting good results for this or any other race this season. What I mean by good results is setting realistic goals based on my lead up (specifically taking into account any niggling injuries). However, this isn't an excuse not to achieve a PB for this HIM, I just need to add cement and stir!! When I'm out there on Sunday there will be no prisoners, it will be a very focused, methodical and OCD approach and I will be trying to do the best of my ability....I'LL GIVE IT A DAMN GOOD GO!! (BTW....age isn't an issue and I still have some good years ahead of me...there is still Kona to conquer)
The race on Sunday is my 8th HIM and I still look forward to facing the challenge of the 70.3 miles.
There is a sort of attraction I have to this distance. There are still goals to be achieved and time to make them happen.
The goal on Sunday is to go sub 5hrs. Whilst not an excuse, the lead up has not been without issues. There has been this continual frustration with niggling injuries. It's now over 12 months I have been managing this back niggle that saw me in quite a bit of pain in last years GCHIM but in saying that, I still punched out a 5h12m with some gritty determination and a lot of positive thinking and talk to myself.
The goal for the swim and bike hasn't changed much from last year and the time I achieved in the race, however it is the run where I want the difference to be, I would love to run around 1hr50min which will give me roughly under the 5hr mark.
A few other considerations that come into calculation is that it is the maiden voyage for my new TT Bike (Avanti Chrono 2) a very nice ride, even better since I had the recent bike fit. The weight is down and I am feeling good, a few visits to the Sports Nutritionist has assisted me on this front.
The checklist has been prepared and the tubs are beginning to work their is race week and it's about a focused, calculated approach to go with the training I have put in over the past couple of months, I believe I am a lot more prepared then last year.
Hold onto your seats......
There is something about the atmosphere of transition precinct at a triathlon....the smell of muscle rub, the endless lines at the porta-loos (not to mention their smell), the thousands of dollars of bike hanging by their seats, endless cladded bodies with compression wear, the anticipation of what lies ahead as the hooter sounds.
It is the culmination of many, many hours of training which consists of much blood, sweat and dummy spits. It also indicates the beginning of many more hours of that hard work to successfully achieve the challenges that approach in another Triathlon season.
Personally, I'm a racer, whilst I believe in putting in the hard yards of training before a race, a race brings out my inner being. My gritty determination and mental focus comes to the forefront in a race. (something that is NOT always present in my training regime) For someone who is about to embark on his 6th Triathlon season, I still get somewhat 'emotional' (excited and nervous) leading up for the first triathlon of the season and its even more poignant when the 1st is a 70.3 or Half to love this long stuff!
The Gold Coast Half Ironman being our 'local' HIM for the season tends to be even more of a special race, it's where we have all of the BTS Squad making the effort to be out there on the sidelines, in the beanbags, supporting every athlete they have trained beside throughout the lead up sessions to the race. The encouragement, trash talk and support you get from the other BTS Athletes is such a motivating factor, in the lead up and particularly out there on the run, when it begins to hurt and someone passes on that little bit of encouragement, it gets you through that moment of weakness and hurt.
As I have alluded to, sometimes my training focus can become somewhat distracted and poor excuses and commitment issues become the basis of these distractions. (but you have to remember, without a job, there wouldn't be this addiction) But, if I can manage my time and train for 3 IM and get favourable results, there is really no reason why I can't commit to getting good results for this or any other race this season. What I mean by good results is setting realistic goals based on my lead up (specifically taking into account any niggling injuries). However, this isn't an excuse not to achieve a PB for this HIM, I just need to add cement and stir!! When I'm out there on Sunday there will be no prisoners, it will be a very focused, methodical and OCD approach and I will be trying to do the best of my ability....I'LL GIVE IT A DAMN GOOD GO!! (BTW....age isn't an issue and I still have some good years ahead of me...there is still Kona to conquer)
The race on Sunday is my 8th HIM and I still look forward to facing the challenge of the 70.3 miles.
There is a sort of attraction I have to this distance. There are still goals to be achieved and time to make them happen.
The goal on Sunday is to go sub 5hrs. Whilst not an excuse, the lead up has not been without issues. There has been this continual frustration with niggling injuries. It's now over 12 months I have been managing this back niggle that saw me in quite a bit of pain in last years GCHIM but in saying that, I still punched out a 5h12m with some gritty determination and a lot of positive thinking and talk to myself.
The goal for the swim and bike hasn't changed much from last year and the time I achieved in the race, however it is the run where I want the difference to be, I would love to run around 1hr50min which will give me roughly under the 5hr mark.
A few other considerations that come into calculation is that it is the maiden voyage for my new TT Bike (Avanti Chrono 2) a very nice ride, even better since I had the recent bike fit. The weight is down and I am feeling good, a few visits to the Sports Nutritionist has assisted me on this front.
The checklist has been prepared and the tubs are beginning to work their is race week and it's about a focused, calculated approach to go with the training I have put in over the past couple of months, I believe I am a lot more prepared then last year.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Recovery week......
Something I have learnt over my short IM career is the recovery is so important. Whether the recovery is techniques or just 'down' time both are equally important and even more effective if used together.
The most recovery techniques I have found effective are:
Tuesday evening I was back on the wagon, but the intensity was low. A good 30min core strength session was on the cards for Tuesday night. (40sec for each exercise with 10sec change over and was repeated 5 times)
Thursday morning was coaching in the pool.
Thursday afternoon was back in the pool again
This morning was on the wind trainer.
The most recovery techniques I have found effective are:
- Ice/cold water bath
- Compression pants
- Keep moving...even if it just walking round.
- Good stretching routine.
- Self massage
- Deep tissue massage
Tuesday evening I was back on the wagon, but the intensity was low. A good 30min core strength session was on the cards for Tuesday night. (40sec for each exercise with 10sec change over and was repeated 5 times)
- Prone hold
- Squat
- Reverse crunch
- Bicycle crunches
- Push-ups
- Medicine ball twists
Thursday morning was coaching in the pool.
Thursday afternoon was back in the pool again
This morning was on the wind trainer.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Eye on the ball..........
This week brings the beginning of spring...the days begin to warm and maggies begin to stamp their authority on unsuspecting cyclist.
Finding a balance between home, work and training up to this point in time has been an interesting challenge, however, the focus has returned. The consistency has returned through an improved commitment to the training, and to be honest I am enjoying the challenges the training brings at the moment.
The enjoyment has come from a number of success over the past couple of weeks of training:
If it is to's up to me!!
This is going to be my personal training philosophy for the next 5 weeks and beyond. For me to achieve my goal for GCHIM it is up to me....not to look back but to look forward to the next 5 weeks of training and to fire up to focus on the task at hand.
Finding a balance between home, work and training up to this point in time has been an interesting challenge, however, the focus has returned. The consistency has returned through an improved commitment to the training, and to be honest I am enjoying the challenges the training brings at the moment.
The enjoyment has come from a number of success over the past couple of weeks of training:
- Northlakes 10km Fun Run - This was a PB for me (42:21), one that has not been broken for 10 years and was broken by a 'cool' 50seconds. The course was a not a flat one and from about 6km was quite hilly. A good 4:15 average for the 10 km's was very positive the Heart was thumping and was working hard particularly up the hills. Still looking for a bit more strength out of those legs....but it was a great race.......a success!
- Tuesday night at swimming was a 3.8km set with the main set of 15 x 100m which was hard work but was able to keep between 1m32s-1m34s for the 15 x 100m. Was really happy with this session. The swimming was coming back!!
- Thursday night was another 3.5km set.....plenty of swimming under the belt this week. Before this session I spent 10-15min running up and down the stair at the pool and found it was a great warm-up.....IT GOT my LEG the pool....(un-heard of!!!) the kick has been more consistent in the pool of late. The other positive element to the session was starting the session with an elevated heart rated.
- TODAY.....a different man....who would have thought a couple of weeks ago I would have run 16km before a race, then to come out and smash 10km in round 43min then run a further 9km to get home....a grand total of 35k for the day. Then into the ice bath...well geeze...I think that was more painful then the 35k I ran was cold. The run is coming together.
If it is to's up to me!!
This is going to be my personal training philosophy for the next 5 weeks and beyond. For me to achieve my goal for GCHIM it is up to me....not to look back but to look forward to the next 5 weeks of training and to fire up to focus on the task at hand.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Back in the Saddle
This morning saw 'another' new start. I managed to get back on the bike for a 'substaintial' ride. An aerobic Redcliffe loop with some old training companions. A great morning for a ride. The weather and bike were perfect; however, the same could not be said for the engine. It still needs some serious work.
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Ride Stats: 8-8-10 |
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Back to Back Saturday Challenge
Challenge 1
20km TT (Bike)
The first challenge for the day was to get up and complete a 20 km TT on the bike. This was good opportunity to give myself a good kick start back into the training. See if those competitive juices trigger something in my training mind. In saying that it was going to HURT! With a positive mind set I knew I could give it a good go!
It was a brisk morning at the track and the conditions were ideal. No wind!
The warm up was the ride to the track. But after cycling for a while now I have come to realise that I am better off keeping the legs turning over before such a training session.....a cold engine is slow to start! I continued round the track until we were ready to start.
The goal....not sure give it a good solid attempt of getting round that PB mark of 30m50s.
One of the thing I was really conscious of was going out too hard.....which I was able to control reasonably well this time. It took a couple of laps before I got the HR up and I began to cycle in a comfortable (hurting comfortable that is) rhythm.
The new TT bike was so good...very smooth and great to handle, but I found myself at some stages particularly up the slight incline really "man handling' the bike, but I think this will get better a I become more familiar with the bike and get a better fit done.
At the halfway point I was at 15min and thought I could be on target here for a PB but then my realistic voice said to me 'it does get tougher in the second half of the TT' so be realistic here!!!
In the end I complete the TT in about 31m50sec which I was happy with and thought it was a good bench mark to begin my truncated preparation for Gold Coast HIM.
6km Cross Country (Run)
In the afternoon it was off for a 6km cross country run. This was going to be tough. The legs were a little heavy from the morning but it was time to harden up.
3 x 2km laps, over a undulating course. This again was about not going out too hard, but I still believe this happened. Eventually I got into a rhythm and settled in for a run that hurt a hell of a lot but 'no pain, no gain'
There were a few little pincher's which really hurt in the second half of the race but I took them in my stride.
A good race, served it's me a little more motivated!
20km TT (Bike)
The first challenge for the day was to get up and complete a 20 km TT on the bike. This was good opportunity to give myself a good kick start back into the training. See if those competitive juices trigger something in my training mind. In saying that it was going to HURT! With a positive mind set I knew I could give it a good go!
It was a brisk morning at the track and the conditions were ideal. No wind!
The warm up was the ride to the track. But after cycling for a while now I have come to realise that I am better off keeping the legs turning over before such a training session.....a cold engine is slow to start! I continued round the track until we were ready to start.
The goal....not sure give it a good solid attempt of getting round that PB mark of 30m50s.
One of the thing I was really conscious of was going out too hard.....which I was able to control reasonably well this time. It took a couple of laps before I got the HR up and I began to cycle in a comfortable (hurting comfortable that is) rhythm.
The new TT bike was so good...very smooth and great to handle, but I found myself at some stages particularly up the slight incline really "man handling' the bike, but I think this will get better a I become more familiar with the bike and get a better fit done.
At the halfway point I was at 15min and thought I could be on target here for a PB but then my realistic voice said to me 'it does get tougher in the second half of the TT' so be realistic here!!!
In the end I complete the TT in about 31m50sec which I was happy with and thought it was a good bench mark to begin my truncated preparation for Gold Coast HIM.
Challenge 2
6km Cross Country (Run)
In the afternoon it was off for a 6km cross country run. This was going to be tough. The legs were a little heavy from the morning but it was time to harden up.
3 x 2km laps, over a undulating course. This again was about not going out too hard, but I still believe this happened. Eventually I got into a rhythm and settled in for a run that hurt a hell of a lot but 'no pain, no gain'
There were a few little pincher's which really hurt in the second half of the race but I took them in my stride.
A good race, served it's me a little more motivated!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The return....was it the story of the prodical son....
The rest of the first week back was a mixed bag of emotions, physical pain and mental reflection. Now, I have to say....we don't want to rush we?
The session on Monday was great and certainly was feeling it throughout the upper body the next day. What made it even worse was the upper body session we did at the pool on the Tuesday night.
For the rest of the week, work was a big focus and not much was achieved on the training front.
Friday morning was a trip to the physio and I was given a 'reserved' all clear to begin some light running.
Saturday afternoon I went for that light run, it was a 30minute run all up and wasn't too bad but definitely now where near 100% I would say 50%. The knee began to become sore about 20min into the run, but after a stop and stretch it was good to go for the rest of the run.
The eating plan kicked in this week and I really tried hard to stick to the plan, but there is a real need to break some long standing existing habits to do with my eating. To make sure some of these habits are on their way to be broken I went through the pantry and fridge and removed and means of 'temptation'. Keeping a nutrition diary is something that is new for me and the way in which it make you accountable about your eating is frightening. This is hard...but I knew it wasn't going to be easy.....but the benefits are going to HUGE!!
The session on Monday was great and certainly was feeling it throughout the upper body the next day. What made it even worse was the upper body session we did at the pool on the Tuesday night.
- 12 x 50m with band
- 16 x 50m band & pull buoy
- 7 x 100m band, pull buoy AND paddles
For the rest of the week, work was a big focus and not much was achieved on the training front.
Friday morning was a trip to the physio and I was given a 'reserved' all clear to begin some light running.
Saturday afternoon I went for that light run, it was a 30minute run all up and wasn't too bad but definitely now where near 100% I would say 50%. The knee began to become sore about 20min into the run, but after a stop and stretch it was good to go for the rest of the run.
The eating plan kicked in this week and I really tried hard to stick to the plan, but there is a real need to break some long standing existing habits to do with my eating. To make sure some of these habits are on their way to be broken I went through the pantry and fridge and removed and means of 'temptation'. Keeping a nutrition diary is something that is new for me and the way in which it make you accountable about your eating is frightening. This is hard...but I knew it wasn't going to be easy.....but the benefits are going to HUGE!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
1 %'ers
11 months out.
Time to bring back the focus on the ball.
For now it is all about the 1 %'ers, the small things that up to now I haven't really put a lot of focus on but times are changing and I even more committed to achieve my goals in triathlon.
With the visit to the sports nutrition on Friday, this will play a big part of the 1%'ers as it influences other 1%'ers. For example, if the eating and nutrition is right the weight will 'hopefully' reduce, with the weight down the potential for continuing injuries may also be hopefully be reduced. It's a bit of a snow ball effect really.
The other 1 %'er is the core strength and flexibility, this will make up the other focus, again, if the core is strong, the injuries will hopefully stay away.
Tonight was my first trip back to 'squad' core strength for a long...long...time. It was a great session...a tough one.....but was very beneficial. A mixture of core strength and box exercise activities....a great balance. I will be feeling it tomorrow.....can't wait!
Time to bring back the focus on the ball.
For now it is all about the 1 %'ers, the small things that up to now I haven't really put a lot of focus on but times are changing and I even more committed to achieve my goals in triathlon.
With the visit to the sports nutrition on Friday, this will play a big part of the 1%'ers as it influences other 1%'ers. For example, if the eating and nutrition is right the weight will 'hopefully' reduce, with the weight down the potential for continuing injuries may also be hopefully be reduced. It's a bit of a snow ball effect really.
The other 1 %'er is the core strength and flexibility, this will make up the other focus, again, if the core is strong, the injuries will hopefully stay away.
Tonight was my first trip back to 'squad' core strength for a long...long...time. It was a great session...a tough one.....but was very beneficial. A mixture of core strength and box exercise activities....a great balance. I will be feeling it tomorrow.....can't wait!
Sunday, May 23, 2010 of rest...and stretching.
This training.
This afternoon was another stretch session. This time I had a partner, KO joined me for a stretch.
I spent 15minutes stretching and then another 15minutes working on foam roller.
This week there is a plan to head to core with the squad tomorrow night and then swim Tuesday and Thursday nights.
This afternoon was another stretch session. This time I had a partner, KO joined me for a stretch.
I spent 15minutes stretching and then another 15minutes working on foam roller.
This week there is a plan to head to core with the squad tomorrow night and then swim Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Here we we we go.....
Today I was back on the training paddock. Not so much on the bike or a matter of slipping on the runners but it was in the home gym with a foam roller, medicine ball and gym mat. This afternoon I spent 50min working on stretching and core. I had to be gentle as it had been a while since I had ventured into these waters but the work out was a step in the right steps.
The first part of the session was stretching and massaging using the foam roller for about 15minutes.
The next part of the workout was using the skipping rope for 30sec and then a series of 10 pushups and then repeating this 5 times. This was a good opportunity to do a little cardo work especially not being able to run or ride for the moment.
Back into the gym for a session of static stretches. The routine that is shown below is one that I have used and developed over time and appears to work well when I actually use it.
The third part of session was a core strength component. Not a big workout on the core strength but enough to introduce the body back into the routine of it...shocking it back into it actually.
The last bit of the session was a skipping set, on for 60sec off for 20sec by 5.
A good session, one that assisted in my injury treatment and step in the right direction in getting over this injury.
The first part of the session was stretching and massaging using the foam roller for about 15minutes.
The next part of the workout was using the skipping rope for 30sec and then a series of 10 pushups and then repeating this 5 times. This was a good opportunity to do a little cardo work especially not being able to run or ride for the moment.
Back into the gym for a session of static stretches. The routine that is shown below is one that I have used and developed over time and appears to work well when I actually use it.
The third part of session was a core strength component. Not a big workout on the core strength but enough to introduce the body back into the routine of it...shocking it back into it actually.
The last bit of the session was a skipping set, on for 60sec off for 20sec by 5.
A good session, one that assisted in my injury treatment and step in the right direction in getting over this injury.
It's a long way to the top...
It is a little under 12months out from IM 4 which is going to be another assault on IM Australia on May 1, 2011 in Port MacQuarie.
Being a little under 12 months away allows the opportunity to prepare a lot better for achieving my goals in this race. The ultimate goal....qualifying for Hawaii.
The preparation has begun with a trip to Sally Garrard a sports nutritionist to refine my eating habits and to clarify what is an ideal race weight for this race. The goal being that I be at 80kg at the start of the 20 weeks out from IM.
Last night, was my visit to Sally. It was a bit daunting because I was dreading what was going to be said. Well I was anticipating what I was needing to cut out and improve upon within my diet. In fact to some extent I new what was going to be said. But in saying this and knowing the deficiencies in my eating habits, sometimes you need some one just to tell you from a health, professional and scientific perspective.
Basically like a training program it is a plan to follow to assist in achieving my goals within my IM events, something that I haven't really place a great deal of importance in the past and one that is in fact very important....To tell you the truth...yes it's time to get serious....yes...that's right I'm nearly 40 and thinking about getting even more serious about this IM racing....qualifying for Kona is becoming even more an say that it is what i would call a controlled obsession.
Some thoughts and ideas that came out of my visit to the Sports Nutritionist:
Being a little under 12 months away allows the opportunity to prepare a lot better for achieving my goals in this race. The ultimate goal....qualifying for Hawaii.
The preparation has begun with a trip to Sally Garrard a sports nutritionist to refine my eating habits and to clarify what is an ideal race weight for this race. The goal being that I be at 80kg at the start of the 20 weeks out from IM.
Last night, was my visit to Sally. It was a bit daunting because I was dreading what was going to be said. Well I was anticipating what I was needing to cut out and improve upon within my diet. In fact to some extent I new what was going to be said. But in saying this and knowing the deficiencies in my eating habits, sometimes you need some one just to tell you from a health, professional and scientific perspective.
Basically like a training program it is a plan to follow to assist in achieving my goals within my IM events, something that I haven't really place a great deal of importance in the past and one that is in fact very important....To tell you the truth...yes it's time to get serious....yes...that's right I'm nearly 40 and thinking about getting even more serious about this IM racing....qualifying for Kona is becoming even more an say that it is what i would call a controlled obsession.
Some thoughts and ideas that came out of my visit to the Sports Nutritionist:
- Need to control more portions a lot better.
- Reduce the amount of 'sugars' (the bad type) in my diet
- My race and training nutrition is just about spot on.
- Pre training nutrition needs a little more refining.
- Skin fold test...not bad...but not good either.
- Triceps skin fold was very impressive :-)
- Stomach line measurement is an issue...needs urgent work.
- We determined that a 'more' than realistic weight to be at for racing and training is no more then 80kg.
- Overall it was a positive and exciting experience, to think what would be possible if I get down to this weight.
- The eating plan kicks in on Monday...wooohooo.....could be interesting!!
- I have to keep a eating different to my blog really....shouldn't be a problem at all.
The UPs and downs
Since the Tour I have really been struggling with a few niggles. In fact 2 specific injuries I would say. One is my right knee and the other being a 'dull pain' between the glute and hamstring, this one is got me miffed a little; however I have a feeling it may be related to the back injury.
The priority at the moment has been to get treatment on these two injuries. I have been getting some intense physio on the 2 injury spots over the last week. The verdict has been that I have a ITB injury on the right leg and a hamstring/glute strain on the left....if it rains it pours.
The treatment plan goes something like this. There is to be no running or cycling for the week just gone and nothing for the coming week, except for a bit of swimming. There is to be plenty of stretching each day 15-20min focussing on these two areas.
Some of the stretching for these two areas include:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Tour is in sight....
The Tour De Tri is in sight. It is early Sunday mroning and the Tour begins at 1.00pm. Everything is organised and the mind is ready, the strategy has been developed and I am ready to race for 24hrs.
Heading up shortly to set up Camp Tubs.
Heading up shortly to set up Camp Tubs.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
May 1, 2010 - The start of a new challenge.....again
May 1, 2010, it's a Saturday and for once I have done very little and gone nowhere significant. A day of rest, the Tour de Tri is tomorrow. However, there has been other excitement. There is always excitement when you mention Ironman Triathlon to's an addiction....but when it's one that keeps you fit and's and enjoyable addiction.
At 12.00pm today, entries to both IM Australia and IM New Zealand went on sale. At the beginning of the day I was still very confused and disillusioned with the whole IM sport and the way in which it appears to be's big business...why shouldn't the world triathlon corporation take advantage of one of the fast growing sports going around at the moment. I was still very undecided when and where the next IM race would be for me. As many of you are aware this 'game' is not a cheap and the addiction needs to be fed with races (either IM or HIM distances) to keep the passion and love of the sport going. So, after much deliberation at about 4pm today I enter IM Australia for May 1, 2011. This is crazy! You have to enter a race a year in it had to be today as it had the potential to sell out in a day. At 4pm when I decided to enter the entries were at 70 % and not long ago the race actually did sell out....this is crazy. When I turn up for IM Australia next year I will basically need my $700.00 entry fee with me to enter on the Monday if I want to race IM OZ in 2012. It is getting an expensive addiction to maintain...but if you enjoy something then you normally will budget to find a way to make it happen.
In IM OZ I will be racing in a new age group.....40-44, even though I will be still 39...but they take you age as of December 31, 2010.....and I guess they like to age you quickly in triathlon. Well, does it, make my chances for qualifying for Kona any better....the true answers is....who really does know....but I am sure going to give it my best shot!
At 12.00pm today, entries to both IM Australia and IM New Zealand went on sale. At the beginning of the day I was still very confused and disillusioned with the whole IM sport and the way in which it appears to be's big business...why shouldn't the world triathlon corporation take advantage of one of the fast growing sports going around at the moment. I was still very undecided when and where the next IM race would be for me. As many of you are aware this 'game' is not a cheap and the addiction needs to be fed with races (either IM or HIM distances) to keep the passion and love of the sport going. So, after much deliberation at about 4pm today I enter IM Australia for May 1, 2011. This is crazy! You have to enter a race a year in it had to be today as it had the potential to sell out in a day. At 4pm when I decided to enter the entries were at 70 % and not long ago the race actually did sell out....this is crazy. When I turn up for IM Australia next year I will basically need my $700.00 entry fee with me to enter on the Monday if I want to race IM OZ in 2012. It is getting an expensive addiction to maintain...but if you enjoy something then you normally will budget to find a way to make it happen.
In IM OZ I will be racing in a new age group.....40-44, even though I will be still 39...but they take you age as of December 31, 2010.....and I guess they like to age you quickly in triathlon. Well, does it, make my chances for qualifying for Kona any better....the true answers is....who really does know....but I am sure going to give it my best shot!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Training here I come......maybe a sporadically...but here I come!
April 1, the start and the return to training for me after IM New Zealand (oh...btw...the race report is still coming)
Today is April 8 and I have now managed to get in the pool 2 twice, the bike once (and a number of attempts...unsuccessful) and an area which I have not been disappointed in since my return is the running. In fact, it has been an area where I have really enjoyed getting back into...but I think the reason for this is that at the moment I run for enjoyment of running...there is nothing to prove at the moment. It is so nice. In particular I have been doing a lot of trail runs and going to make it a big part of my training (even more then what it has been before).
Trail running is a great experience, get off the hard pavement and run through the nature we have been give to appreciate, to breath in the fresh air, instead of the fumes from the cars and listen to sweet sound of nothing! (maybe the occasional bird)...what else could you ask for....and not to forget the physical benefits from doing such runs.
Today is April 8 and I have now managed to get in the pool 2 twice, the bike once (and a number of attempts...unsuccessful) and an area which I have not been disappointed in since my return is the running. In fact, it has been an area where I have really enjoyed getting back into...but I think the reason for this is that at the moment I run for enjoyment of running...there is nothing to prove at the moment. It is so nice. In particular I have been doing a lot of trail runs and going to make it a big part of my training (even more then what it has been before).
Trail running is a great experience, get off the hard pavement and run through the nature we have been give to appreciate, to breath in the fresh air, instead of the fumes from the cars and listen to sweet sound of nothing! (maybe the occasional bird)...what else could you ask for....and not to forget the physical benefits from doing such runs.
A New Focus a New Look
It only seems I have just ended the last season but it is time to focus on.....WHAT NEXT??....and in my previous blog I detailed what that might involve.
It is about the 2010-2011 season now....even though the 2009-2010 season has still a number of races to go....Luke Harrop, Tour deTri and Byron...2 of which I am planning to be apart at least at this stage as I have already entered the Tour.
It is about the 2010-2011 season now....even though the 2009-2010 season has still a number of races to go....Luke Harrop, Tour deTri and Byron...2 of which I am planning to be apart at least at this stage as I have already entered the Tour.
Luke Harrop is a sprint distance triathlon....ah...yess....that's right.....sprint distance at IM pace....I hope not...they will be packing up the barriers before I finish. :-)
So...with all this the blog has a new look and a new name....what do you think? Looks great!!!Sunday, April 4, 2010
2010 - 2011 Season Outlook
The 2009-2010 Season is on it's way out and it is time to look forward to the 2010-2011 Season. It is again one which will have an Ironman focus with an additional need to improve my speed over the HIM and IM distance.
The 2010-2011 races will consists of:
May 2-3, 2010 - Tour deTri
May 16, 2010 - Cooks Tour (Glasshouse Mountains) 30km
May 22, 2010 - Noosa Ocean Swim 2km
June 6, 2010 - QLD Half Marathon
June 20, 2010 - Lake Manchester Trail Run: 21km
July 4, 2010 - Gold Coast Half Marathon
July 18, 2010 - Jetty to Jetty: 21km
August 15, 2010 - Yeppoon HIM
October 3, 2010 - Gold Coast HIM
October 31, 2010 - Noosa OD
December 4, 2010 - Western Australia IM
The 2010-2011 races will consists of:
May 2-3, 2010 - Tour deTri
May 16, 2010 - Cooks Tour (Glasshouse Mountains) 30km
May 22, 2010 - Noosa Ocean Swim 2km
June 6, 2010 - QLD Half Marathon
June 20, 2010 - Lake Manchester Trail Run: 21km
July 4, 2010 - Gold Coast Half Marathon
July 18, 2010 - Jetty to Jetty: 21km
August 15, 2010 - Yeppoon HIM
October 3, 2010 - Gold Coast HIM
October 31, 2010 - Noosa OD
December 4, 2010 - Western Australia IM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
2010 IRONMAN New Zealand pre race Reflections
It has been a while since I have been here to blog some of my training thoughts and I think now is a great time to start it up again.
It is touch over 7 days out from race day and I am about to go into the second week of taper. The taper has the usual feel to it.....'are we there yet' sort of mentality....I'm at the stage where there hard work is done...where is that start gun????
But in saying that and being a veteran of 2 IM you learn to have a little more patience throughout taper and realise that it is actually a very important part of the race is a time where the mind and body become revitalised. And the competitive juices begin to build.......
Even though I have been here twice before there are still the nerves and the anticipation builds and really it even more prevalent this time round as the preparation has been a little interrupted and whilst I am confident that I WILL finish, I am far from 100% fit going into the race. I would like to think that I'm at about 80% fitness compared to other IM campaigns but I am 100% focused, mentally prepared and ready to give it my all to do my best and that's all I can ask of myself....there will be definitely nothing left in the tank this time round. I firmly believe that I will make that 20% up through mental stubbornness and determination.....I am not going to let a mere back niggle ruin my success of IM NZ.
This IM will be the one which I believe will challenge me the most, it is the one which will stretch my mental toughness to the limit....but it wouldn't be IM without this mental and physical challenge that's what makes it the one of the toughest sports around.
There are other challenges and issues that will arise this time round too. Competing in an IM in another country is certainly something that I haven't yet experienced.....well actually just going overseas is a first.
The goals for the race at this stage look like this:
It is touch over 7 days out from race day and I am about to go into the second week of taper. The taper has the usual feel to it.....'are we there yet' sort of mentality....I'm at the stage where there hard work is done...where is that start gun????
But in saying that and being a veteran of 2 IM you learn to have a little more patience throughout taper and realise that it is actually a very important part of the race is a time where the mind and body become revitalised. And the competitive juices begin to build.......
Even though I have been here twice before there are still the nerves and the anticipation builds and really it even more prevalent this time round as the preparation has been a little interrupted and whilst I am confident that I WILL finish, I am far from 100% fit going into the race. I would like to think that I'm at about 80% fitness compared to other IM campaigns but I am 100% focused, mentally prepared and ready to give it my all to do my best and that's all I can ask of myself....there will be definitely nothing left in the tank this time round. I firmly believe that I will make that 20% up through mental stubbornness and determination.....I am not going to let a mere back niggle ruin my success of IM NZ.
This IM will be the one which I believe will challenge me the most, it is the one which will stretch my mental toughness to the limit....but it wouldn't be IM without this mental and physical challenge that's what makes it the one of the toughest sports around.
There are other challenges and issues that will arise this time round too. Competing in an IM in another country is certainly something that I haven't yet experienced.....well actually just going overseas is a first.
The goals for the race at this stage look like this:
- under 12 hours
- enjoy myself...even if it is managing a little pain
- The level fitness has improved, it probably got back to just below peak about 5 weeks ago, but like I mentioned before I would not say not back to full fitness. The base from previous campaign is definitely assisted in this development.
- The swimming is the area in which I am most impressed with my progress, I'm feeling 'fast' in the water....well in an IM way......the stroke feels good...I'm feeling comfortable and the I back to swimming in a 'smart comfortable' rhythm. We did a 5km ocean swim a number of weeks ago and just to get out there and swim without being interrupted by a wall every 50m was fantastic. Once I can get the first 800 to 1000m out of the way.....the swim is the happening thing.....The goal for the swim would be somewhere between 62 and 67min (IM1: 67m, IM2: 63m)
- The cycling this time round has been progressive and steady without being out standing....the usual dislike of anything more then undulating or that can't be rolled up from a previous hill has continued, but there has been progress. The trek around The Gap, Nebo, Glorious and Samford has become enjoyable rather then a chore. The 5hr indoor trainer session was a great challenge to prepare for the mental numbness that we will encounter throughout the ride at times.....the solitude, working through the pain...fighting the little voice...what a session...definitely worthwhile. The flat, smooth profile on the bike is still one I definitely favour and one that I can maintain a good solid speed for extended periods of time...the hills do help with some things. The bike looks like being solid but not my best. I am going into the bike leg in IM NZ with some caution I believe it could be bike leg that could 'upset' the back and make the run a little more difficult but with patience and focusing on technique and my race strategy throughout the bike leg I am hoping to get off the bike relatively unscathed. The goal for the bike leg is under 6hrs. (IM1: 5:56, IM2: 5:41)
- Running is the area where I initially started off behind the eight ball, and it took until about 4 weeks ago when it all began to fall into shape. The work in the hills has been worthwhile again and at time has been hard work, the legs not just wanting to participate. With grit and determination I think the hill work will have helped. Throughout the run training I have been managing the back and a related hamstring niggle. Within the last 4 weeks the rhythm and the form has returned. The use of compression socks have been a blessing and assisted in calf soreness. Plenty of stretching and massage have assisted in ensure the improvement of my running. The goal for the run is around 4hr (IM1: 4:18, IM2: 4:06)
As a whole I believe I am ready I can be. The mind is ready...just hope it drags the body along with it.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Friday of rest
This morning was to be a 30min run but after the core and particularly the run yesterday afternoon I have a bit of a 'niggle' in my left shin......hmmmm.....this could be a little concern. I am hoping its just a bit of a tight muscle and soreness which the Physio on Wednesday said to me this may happen with the issue still hanging around in my back. Will need to monitor this and get the massage and physio into it...along with the ice (which went on last night) and down the track a bit of heat.
Off to for a massage later this afternoon...this should help the cause!
Off to for a massage later this afternoon...this should help the cause!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday Training
This morning started with coaching of the IM athletes they had a little less intense session but there was still the volume.
Warm up - 200m (every second 25m high elbow drill)
M/Set -
10 x 100m on 2min
500m pull
10 x 100m on 2min
Cooldown - 300m Pull
Then after coaching this session it was my turn with a similar set but it was only about 2km.
15 x 100m on 2min then 500m pull.
Found it really hard to get going this morning. Usually after a while I'm in the water I feel good, but not this morning the arms were heavy and the mind was wandering but I persevered and we go through the session with a little more hurt then what I would of expected from such a session.
In the afternoon it was a bit of core work:
15 x 5 pushups then 20sec prone hold then 20sec eddie the eagle then a 20min easy run
4 x 25 sec medicine ball rotations, 25sec raised leg crunches, 25sec side to side oblique crunches then 25sec bicycle crunches
Good's 2 core session this week I'm surprising myself ;-) The mind and attitude must be improving.
Coached both squad session in the evening.
Warm up - 200m (every second 25m high elbow drill)
M/Set -
10 x 100m on 2min
500m pull
10 x 100m on 2min
Cooldown - 300m Pull
Then after coaching this session it was my turn with a similar set but it was only about 2km.
15 x 100m on 2min then 500m pull.
Found it really hard to get going this morning. Usually after a while I'm in the water I feel good, but not this morning the arms were heavy and the mind was wandering but I persevered and we go through the session with a little more hurt then what I would of expected from such a session.
In the afternoon it was a bit of core work:
15 x 5 pushups then 20sec prone hold then 20sec eddie the eagle then a 20min easy run
4 x 25 sec medicine ball rotations, 25sec raised leg crunches, 25sec side to side oblique crunches then 25sec bicycle crunches
Good's 2 core session this week I'm surprising myself ;-) The mind and attitude must be improving.
Coached both squad session in the evening.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wednesday Training
AM Session:
Coaching the main squad on the bike at Cootha....Great turn out this morning!
My ride was a 1.2 to 2hr ride, this was achieved by riding the session and back
Physio @ 11 am got him to work on a few niggle that I was having in the left glute and hamstring which he puts down to being related to the back injury still working itself out.
PM Session:
In the pool for a solid 2.5km session, worked hard and the arms were certainly working. The body position is improving and the swimming is getting back to 'what was'. Still need to work on that muscular endurance and reducing the fatigue in the longer sets.
Coaching the main squad on the bike at Cootha....Great turn out this morning!
My ride was a 1.2 to 2hr ride, this was achieved by riding the session and back
Physio @ 11 am got him to work on a few niggle that I was having in the left glute and hamstring which he puts down to being related to the back injury still working itself out.
PM Session:
In the pool for a solid 2.5km session, worked hard and the arms were certainly working. The body position is improving and the swimming is getting back to 'what was'. Still need to work on that muscular endurance and reducing the fatigue in the longer sets.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tuesday Training
AM Session
Setting up and doing drills with the IM Athletes (4 of us in total this morning)
A good solid session.
PM Session sure I know what it feels like not to go swimming on a Tuesday night.
Setting up and doing drills with the IM Athletes (4 of us in total this morning)
A good solid session.
PM Session sure I know what it feels like not to go swimming on a Tuesday night.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday......this means CORE
Core strength earlier this afternoon:
15 x 5 push ups, 20sec prone hold, 20sec eddie the eagle
3 x 20sec medicine ball rotations, 20sec raised leg crunches, 20sec side to side oblique crunches, 20sec bicycle crunches.
20min extensive stretch.
Session Reflections:
15 x 5 push ups, 20sec prone hold, 20sec eddie the eagle
3 x 20sec medicine ball rotations, 20sec raised leg crunches, 20sec side to side oblique crunches, 20sec bicycle crunches.
20min extensive stretch.
Session Reflections:
- Worked hard at technique throughout, pulling in the belly button and squeezing the glutes.
- Part 1 - good effort, found it raised a sweat.
- Part 2 - struggled a little, but over time going to work up a rep each week.
- Part 3 - great stretch felt really good.
Weekly Totals
Weekly Totals
Run: 35km, 3h37min
Swim: 8.7km, 3hrs
Cycle: 181km, 8hr45min
Stretch: 40min
Core & Flexibility: 1hr
Recovery: 41min
Physio: 1hr
Run: 35km, 3h37min
Swim: 8.7km, 3hrs
Cycle: 181km, 8hr45min
Stretch: 40min
Core & Flexibility: 1hr
Recovery: 41min
Physio: 1hr
Sunday, January 3, 2010
4.00am....I do remember.....
That's right it was the return of the very early mornings....for of course the long rides. And to tell you the truth it wasn't bad at all. It's very peaceful and thought provoking on the bike at this time in the morning...very, that's deep!

Session Reflections:
- two words.....character building!
- It was hot and humid....and when the sun came out it was even worse...but it was good conditioning.
- Even when I left home at 4.30am it was quite hot and humid.
- The support hydration and nutrition for the ride was a proven setup with 3 bottles of liquids (2 sports drink and 1 water), gels on the half hour and endura energy bars or LCM's on the top of the hour with energy drink.
- The conditions (apart from the heat and humidity) were good, very little wind to speak of.
- The first 1.5 hours were by myself and I went out around the city and airport loop then back in to join the rest of the group for the remaining ride. Great group to ride with this morning. Everyone willing to 'put it in' up the front and plenty of encouragement and laughs along the way.
- The legs were coping well and like the run yesterday there were some signs that the legs were finding a little more strength and there was some response to my base....but patience is required.
- At the 80k mark I ran out of liquids so a stop at a service station. With the humidity it was important that I drank a little more and therefore I went through the liquid supplies a little quicker than I had first planned. With the long ride to sustain a consistent effort staying on top of my hydration is important and if it means I need an extra stop then it has to happen.
- At the end of the ride it was about 4h38m ride time with just under 125km.
- The recovery again was a 15min Ice bath and stretch.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Hills were alive...
This morning I was out for a 60-75min trail run.

Session Reflections:

Session Reflections:
- Typical Brisbane weather...humid, I would have a guess of about 80-90%
- There were a couple of goals I set for this run, the first one was not to walk and the second was to work on reducing my stride length.
- Both goals were achieved. By the end of the session I was nearly down to a 'Cliff Young shuffle' but I achieved the goals I set. I really focussed on taking smaller strides throughout the run, particularly on the down hill sections (which there were many) to reduce the pounding of the legs into the ground and again to preseve them further in preventing any recurring injuries.
- I worked hard up the hills throughout the session; and really felt that there was some strength returning to them legs. But I still have a bit to go.
- On my return it was into an Ice bath for 14min.....I am really finding this recovery technique very effective.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year...2010.....63 days
Happy New Year!
What a great new year it is going to be!
As of today it is 63days until I embark on my 3rd IM and I am beginning to become quite excited, but in the same breath, I have a lot of hard training hours ahead. Bring it on!
This morning started with a renewed enthusiasm where I was out on the training paddock for an easy 45min run through the hills.

Session Reflections
What a great new year it is going to be!
As of today it is 63days until I embark on my 3rd IM and I am beginning to become quite excited, but in the same breath, I have a lot of hard training hours ahead. Bring it on!
This morning started with a renewed enthusiasm where I was out on the training paddock for an easy 45min run through the hills.

Session Reflections
- It was hot and humid.
- 8.30am is a little late for a run at this time of year, the sweat was happening early and the fatigue was setting in a little early. This was again particularly due to the fact that I hadn't eaten before the session.
- Really focused on the 'easy' part of the session but when you have continuous hills it is hard work and I began to feel that at times I was actually going back wards and the legs were becoming quite fatigued by the 30min mark, but I had a dose of reality (and a teaspoon of cement) and pushed on.
- These runs at this stage are really about setting small achievable goals to get my 'running' fitness back. I need to be patient, I need to remember that I had close to 3 months off running and the fitness is not just going to return with a 'swish' of a wand.
- Today's small achievable goals involved jogging up and 'through' the hills and if required taking a few walking moments to recover a little on the down side of the hill. This worked well in recovering the legs and minimised the pounding on the legs and back which is a part of descending the inclines.
- Home and it was straight into a 10min stretch then into a 12 min ice bath. The ice bath is something that really seems to reinvigorate the legs and assists in the recovery process.
The weekend ahead is a big one so the recovery of the legs is important with a 60-75min run through the C.Hills tomorrow and a 4 to 4.5hr ride on Sunday.
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