Route: Redcliffe Loop
- Liking these 3 hour rides...the Km's in the legs are paying off...but more is required.
- The time to complete this loop in less than last time it was completed.
Route: Redcliffe Loop
Initially I did this workout for 15min. Each activity needed some further development. Particularly the skipping.
The 15min stretching was so good....agained worked through the normal routine.
Session Reflections:
These were done in a circuit and worked on about 1m30sec cycle.
I found the drills whilst a little tedious are very worthwhile in improving your running technique and therefore your overall efficiency.
This was a great challenge and something different that breaks the training up.
This was a hard session but very satisfying.
Session reflections:
The Run
In bed about 9.00pm and the plan was to be up at 4.00am and down in transition by about 5.15am
Breakfast was 1 banana, 1 sports drink. With my wave being at 7.00am it is planned that I have another banana down at transition about 6.00am and continue with the water throughout this time.
The weather conditions: fine, windy (25-30km/h) and cold (13degrees)
Arriving at transitions at about 5:20am I went into transition to set up my bike. It was quite cold this morning and I was certainly 'rugged' up for the occasion. In the back of my mind was that if I am cold now what am I going to be like during the race, wet coming out of the water and then onto the bike with the wind would have been interesting knowing the wind chill factor? With this thought I left a running shirt with my gear in transition 'just in case'.
At 6.45am I got into the water....had about a 10min warm up. It was warmer in the water then out of it. The water was relatively choppy about 40cm chop.
7.00am the Gun went off and we were off...the 35-39 age group was the second biggest in the race. The swim in the lake was relatively simple to navigate as it was a rectangular shaped course and there were plenty of landmarks to assist with navigating. The first 700m leg wasn't too bad, it was about trying to get into a rhythm in the chop. At times throughout the swim I felt as I was swimming alone...everyone was so spread out...that was good in that you weren't running into people all the time but a negative in that you had no one to draft off. The one thing I found about the chop was that it knock you off your race line and I need to check more often to ensure I was going in the right direction
The 2nd leg of the swim was only 175m and I was swimming with the chop coming in from the right hand side and therefore found that I was only breathing to the left for most of this leg as when I tried to breath to the left I would often get a mouthful of water.
The 3rd leg of the swim was the toughest...swimming directly into the chop and against a little bit of a time it felt like I was going no where. I preserved and finally got to the last buoy before turning for home. It was hard to get into a rhythm as the chop would cut your stroke short a lot of the time.
I finally got to the swim exit and looked at my watch...35min was a struggle...maybe a touch long...that could be also related to swimming a little further than I had too...but not much could be done now. I now endured a 350m run from swim exit to my was a little hard on the feet...they were quite tender from the cold.
T1 - Arghhh Transitions.....this where I need to spend some time just practicing....had an issue with getting my wet suit off this just wouldn't come off my right foot...that was with a healthy amount of body glide being applied before the race...I just don't seem to be able to get it 'right' consistently.
Onto the bike.....
This was a real challenge. The wind was blowing....probably used a little more energy on the swim then I usually do....As soon as I left transition the wind was directly into your face and stayed like that for about the next 10km of the 30km loop after that for the next 15km it varied from a head wind to a cross wind. To add to this it wasn't the flattest course going around...
The first lap was completed in about 58min and the second about the same the 3rd was a little slower (1h02min). On the 3rd lap I spent a little more time at a higher cadence to try and resurrect my legs a bit more for a good run. The nutrition and hydration worked relatively well throughout however around the 2hr mark I begun to get a stomach cramp and therefore backed off the gels, sports drink and powerbar for about 30min just drank water for that time. To add to this was a sudden urge to go to the toilet...too much water maybe? I persevered and mentally worked through the discomfort, about the 2h40m mark I began to 'come good'. But would still love to find a toilet...I didn't really see any 'potaloos' on the ride course at all. The ride leg was completed in a time of 3h03min (including T1 and T2)
The swim needs some thought as you have to remember that the tide is running from left to right. (in the image above) The first turn was was marked by a couple of reasonably large boats. If you didn't allow for the tidal drift you would end up swimming into these boats.
By the turn I had got into a comfortable rhythm, however, halfway along the 2nd leg it became too shallow to swim. This therefore stifled the rhythm and I found that it was not very efficient or quick to run through these shallow parts and end up porpoising through these sections. This shallow area was about 50m in length and I found that the porpoising took a bit of energy out of me that I wouldn't normally expend in the swim leg. Once through the shallow section it was back to establishing that rhythm, it didn't take too long and once again I found myself moving through the field and the waves that had started before me.
Arrived at the last buoy and again made some adjustments in my swim line to allow for the tidal drift. The shore was in front of me and soon enough I was standing up and began my 100-150m run to the bike. I found that the swim had not taken much out of me and felt relatively fresh. I pushed it a little in the run to the bike and passed a number of lads.
I got to the mount line then had an issue went to put my left foot in the pedal and it slipped straight out when I put my weight on it. I do need to get a pair of new cleats...they are very worm...especially the left one!
After that I was off...I had forgotten to put the bike computer magnet on the front wheel of my race wheels and therefore had no speed or distance on my bike computer. Just had cadence on the bike leg to give me a guide as to how I was going....did have my Suunto HR Monitor on but it was not work properly and is very unreliable. Throughout the ride I kept the cadence around 95rpm. I also concentrated on trying to keep my upper body stiller than it normally is and stay in the aero position to gain a better efficiency from the aero helmet.
Today was a win to me...the little voice....the arch enemy was defeated!
I think this was the first run in a long time that I had run at a consistent pace. And I achieved a PB out of it: 35min59sec!
Overall the time was 1:38:38......I'm wrapped....perfect preparation for next weekend!
The motivation and enthusiasm has returned....I am hungry for the challenges that triathlon dishes out...I am looking forward to training so much more lately....bring on Canberra!
Session Reflections:
I was really happy with my efforts!
Session Reflections:
This is how it all panned out!
The Stats Review: