Days to Australian Ironman 2008 - 321
AM: Bike - 30 min spin w/u, hill circuit 30 min in 53/12 staying in seat, cadence under 75, 15 min w/d
PM: Stretch Session - 20min
Today's Journal
As you may have guessed, not much training went on today. Had to be at work early and had things to organise for work, so training today took a back seat. I am going to rearrange some of the session this week as to still fulfill all the training for the week.
On another topic that is happening is the further discussion and investigation into purchasing a timetrial bike. I went into Victor Cycles again this afternoon. This time he spent about an hour with me taking my measurement and making sure the geometry of the bike will suit me. I have decided to go with the Trek Equinox 9. He is checking in the morning whether they still have a large one in stock.

Session Evaluation: Nothing to evaluate today...Work is a little hectic.
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