Here are the Garmin stats:

Session Evaluation: Before the session lack a bit of motivation...was a bit day at work and was feeling really drained...however I decided I am going to keep to the program and not 'pike out'. The course was quite hilly its my normal Hill circuit. The goal was to keep the HR down throughout the run and at time with the hills this was hard to achieve. Focussing on my breathing this assisted in recovering this HR when it was peaking above what I thought was apart of the goal rate.
At about half way round the calfs were starting to tighten up a bit, so I spent a bit of time stretching these out on course.
When I got home I put on the 'Sretch Session' DVD that I have put together and spent about 25min stretching...even though some of the stretches were hard work, after the session I was feeling quite loose.