Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday - PM Session

This was unscheduled session but I am experimenting with a few things throughout this IM campaign...nothing too major. Trying some 'circuit' type activities.

This afternoon I did the following workout:
  • 4 min run (round the block, this is not a flat run and had a hill that has quite a steep gradient - about 12% I think - Total distance about 800m)
  • then straight into 1 min skip
  • This was then repeated 5 times.

Stats Review:

Splits and Average/Max HR
HR and Elevation for the 5 Intervals

Elevation Profile for one run lap

Elevation Profile for the 5 laps

Session Reflections:

  • Challenging to say the least but felt good at the end of the session
  • It was a good strength session.
  • The hill was a real challenge and the legs were really heavy by the time I reached the top each time.
  • The hill was about at the 400m point of the lap.
  • The skipping was not a full recovery but it did allow the HR to drop, between 150-155bpm.
  • Within each lap I managed to get my HR up to about 95% of max, and this was fairly consistent for each of the laps.

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