To the Race (Friday)
Travelling to Geelong on Friday night on the 6.25pm flight. I arrived at the airport at 5.40pm with plenty of time to check in. This was a wise move. There was a small cue at the check in counter when I got up to the desk the bike box went on the scales...this was the moment of weighed 33.8kg, 1.8kg over the limit...hmmmm....well I was made to remove some items out of the bike box and put check them in separately. Took out the tools and 1 wheel bag and this reduced the weight of the box back to 26.0kg. Overall I had 14kg of excess baggage which meant that I was charged $98.00 for the 'privilege'....not a happy camper...particularly when other athletes travelling on the same flight didn't have their bike bake weighed at all....hmmm....anyway....I was expecting it.....and I was over it at the time.
Went through the security and up to the Gate, got some dinner and began to wait to board the flight at 6.25pm. When we were checked in they mentioned that the flight was delayed by about 20min...well that turned into 3hours with very little explanation or information to the passengers.....not very happy at far Jetstar not rating that well. At 9.30pm we finally left the terminal and I arrived at the accommodation at 1.45am (Melbourne time). Not ideal preparation for Sunday's race...but I was going in untapered.
Arriving in the early hours of the morning, didn't really change the plans for the day. Michelle and Katie (who I was staying with) were off with the rest of their squad to ride the bike course at about 7.00am. I stayed in bed a little longer until about 7.30am and then got up to reassemble the bike which took about 45min. No problems with the assembly. Once the bike was back on the road it was out to ride the course. I went with a couple of other people from Adelaide who were staying in the same accommodation. I didn't ride the whole course but enough to get an idea of the conditions that I would expect. This included, a cross wind, and rough roads. Once I had completed this I went down to transition to check out the set up.
- A mass start...all 1200 of us....hmmmm...could be interesting.....
- Drafting....a bit of a change...must ensure 4 bike lengths between you and the bike in front...this could be another interesting point......its a bit bigger than what we are use to.
- Have to pick up 2 scruchies on the run.
After the dinner we returned to the apartment and began to prepare all the gear for the race. This is where my organisiation traits become a little rampant...out come the 2 column A4 checklist....BTW there is nothing wrong with checklist...especially when they cover everything including the kitchen sink....only kidding. I have to say when you do triathlons you have a lot of gear...I need to consider a different way to carry it all....a backpack kind of thing.....One of the big things with this prep is to get your nutrition and hydration many gels/bars etc you will need throughout the race depending on the leg and the time you will be out there. I worked on the following:
- 1 Hammergel before the swim
- I set my timer on the watch to beep every 15min which warns me to hydrate and then every 30min to take on some sustenance/food eg. gel or powerbar.
- Water and sports drink is alternately taken.
- I have 3 standard water bottle on and one aerobottle. The aerobottle and 1 standard bottle (used to fill the aerobottle) have sports drink and the other 2 have water.
- I try to work it so that the water is taken at the same time as the gel/powerbar. They seem to go down a little better with the water rather than the sports drink
- Based on this and that I will most likely be on the bike between 2hr30min and 3hr; I take 6 gels and 1 powerbar (I also pack 1 spare gel and a spare powerbar)
- I also pack a zipp bag with Starburst babies as a means of a quick pick me up if required....usually used to get me through a tough period...the legs are hurting...and the brain is going negative.
- I usually plan to take the powerbar about the 1hr/1:30hr mark. The powerbars are a little heavier and take a while to start to digest and therefore I want to give them a chance to do that before the run. (At GC HIM I had it too close to the run and therefore suffered on the run)
- I plan to take a gel within the 1st 20min on the bike and then ensure I have a gel around 20min before the run legs begins.
- Again I work on the 15/30 principle for the run and therefore take 4 gels on the run (that includes a spare)
- I again went without the fuel belt for this race (the aid stations were roughly 1.5/2km apart) a good distance to ensure regular hydration.
The prep was complete I was relatively happy...however the tyre issue was still in the back of my head and I gone through all the possible scenarios and what I would have to do to counteract them. Now I am showing my very analytical nature....probably think about things too much at time...oh well. bed.....the plan is a 4.15am awakening.
- 1 bottle of sports drink
- 1 banana
- Pancakes or crumpet
Took my first gel walking over to the start.....Through the starting arch to register that I was a starter.....I was really getting fired up now...full of beans really...ready and raring to go....BRING IT ON......Then into water for a short warm up.
The Swim

The count down began......BANG we were was mayhem.....
All 1200 off for the Geelong 70.3 was very hard to find some clear water....competitors were swimming over/under/through/into each other....which included was 500m to the first buoy it probably wasn't until about the 250m mark I got some clear water but then that was only short would either have someone swim over you or you would run up the back of someone in front. We reached the 1st turning bouy and it was utter just could't get your arm out of the water without hitting another body.....even though it was kaos....what a challenge...both physical and mentally......THEN....turning the next buoy I copped a walloping on the right side of the head....from a wayward arm...right on the ear....that hurt...I had to breast stroke a little to get orientation and sense back....not pleasant at fact I was a little concerned that I had sustained some sort of damage...after some further self appeared to be ok and this was only a minor set back.....I continued on with the attitude that I would give as much as I got....across to the far buoy before we turned for home...this leg of the swim was right into the sun...I couldn't really see the bouy and was just following the bubbles in front of to the buoy and turned for home....again the was buoy chaos....not as bad....for this next leg I swam a little wider to get some clear water and try and get into rythmn....much better....I felt relaxed....not phased at all....quite happy really...kinda like this ocean swimming. Then to the second last was buoy chaos.....2nd last swim leg....again went a little to the last buoy set my sights on the swim finish arch and headed straight for I got to the shore I could feel my legs cramping a little as I stood up my right legs cramped up....I had to stop for a moment...but then was able to continue...I have never cramped like this before....maybe the cooler water...not sure....through the swim finish arch......
SWIM TIME: 0:33:48
T1:Got into transition....a little 200-300m run from the swim finish....wetsuit down to the waist....found the bike without a problem....when I got there I had to take a moment...a little light headed but after a few seconds all was good and I was continuing with T1.....wetsuit off...helmet on...glasses on....socks shoes on.....away I went......
T1 TIME: 0:02:47
The Cycle Leg

The goal for the ride was to maintain a cadence of 90-95rpm. It was about working the gears to maintain this goal.
For the first lap we had good conditions...there was very little wind to speak of. The first lap was all about establishing a rythmn and determine the gearing along the course. The course was a very undulating one with a long incline at about the 10km mark of each lap. Here again I dropped back into the small chain ring and stood up to give my legs and back a stretch. I reached the turn around point of the first lap and found that when we drove the course on Saturday it look rater flat but this was rather decieving from the turn to the hill was undulating but it was mostly up hill..just a very slight gradient. I reached the hill for the first time and was going to use this to my advantage and really work the speed down the hill as it went for about 1km or is my hardest gear and worked it as long as I could before the cadence began to drop and then maintained that 90-95rpm. Then it was back into a nice comfortable rythmn again. Lap 1 split was 0:51:39 for the first 30km. The nutrition and hydration was working well.On to Lap 2 this time I was in the small chain ring up the 1st hill got to the Geelong-Port Arlington Rd and then back into the big chain this stage the southerly had sprung up and was giving us quite a difficult cross wind. This lap was again about the cadence, hydration, nutrition and staying relaxed. I was still feeling relatively good throughout this yet I didn't have to call on the lollies for a pick me up. Around the turn of this lap I had a munch on a powerbar, it went down ok...but I couldn't eat all of it....washed it down with a bit of water. Through the aid station on the return of this lap and picked up a bottle of water. Lap 2 split was 1:47:25 & for the 2nd 30km -0:55:46.
The 3rd lap began and I took one foot out of the cleats at a time to stretch the legs just after the turn at transition and before the hill...up the hill again in the small chain ring and changed into the big at the Geelong-Port Arlington Rd turn. Same goals again for this lap. The cross wind was again causing some was okay while sheltered by the trees or buildings but when you reached an open area it really hit you and the wide rim wheels tended to catch the wind.....all good. Into the Botanical Gardens and took on a final gel and dropped into the small chain ring in preparation for the run. Lap 3 split was 2:43:16 & for the 3rd 30km - 0:55:51
Below is some further data from the cycle leg:

T2: Bike racked...helmet off.....hat on...struggled a little to get one shoe lace done up but got there after I slowed down and took my time....for this length of run I don't like to use elastic laces....I'm more confident with the tie up ones in this situation....removed the Garmin from the bike...loaded up the gels in the back pocket of the tri suit and was on my way out of transition.
T2 TIME: 0:02:00 (approx)
The Run

The first 3-4 km was about getting the legs working properly and working to a nice consistent rythmn. The first lap was again a bit of a fact finding mission.....working out the best race line to run...where the aid stations were....what the hill situation was....this was a good consistent lap with the pace around 4:45.
The 2nd lap was a whole different story.......I hit the wall from 10 through to the 14km mark...really struggled to get my legs moving with any real speed...they were right knee was aching....felt a little crampy in the stomach.....but I new I could get through this...there was some negative brain activity but it was being counteracted by the power of positive thought which in the end came out on top.....ran from one witches hat to the after the other...using them as running goals.....from about the 10km mark I changed to cola at the aid stations to give me that pep up, however, I needed to keep the cola going for the rest of the run to keep that 'high' on to the jelly beans ever 2nd aid station and by the 14/15km mark I was again feeling okay.....this was a real tough period in the race and I got through it...great work!!!!
Onto the third lap...feeling better...working on increasing the leg cadence up the hills and work the arms to pump those legs.....still using the witches hats as running goals....finally reached the last incline and it was down the hill and into the soon as you reached the transition precinct and the crowds grew so did the pace...the finish was near....the target time of 5:11 had just past turning towards the finish but I new it was still going to be a time I was going to be happy with. The finish was insight.....the legs were only just able to carry me home.......crossed the line.
RUN TIME: 1:48:51
TOTAL TIME: 5:13:15
Later I realised that this was about a 15min PB for the run in a HIM race....I was ecstatic!!!!! wooooohoooo.
Into recovery and it took me about 15-20min to be able to say I had really recovered to a point where I felt somewhat normal, to be able to get up and walk around in relative comfort.
Awesome race report Tim! Very detailed as usual.
ReplyDeleteNice read and well done on the great time!