Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday - PM Session

The Session: Swim; 20 x 100m on 2.30 with pull buoy and 5 push ups at end of each 100. Push ups to be done as part of the 2.30

Seriously.....this was fantastic!

When you consider what it actually was:
  • 2000m pull buoy and
  • 100 push up

I was really happy with my efforts!

Session Reflections:

  • Was holding about 1:50 to 2:00 minutes throughout the whole set (including the push ups)
  • In the second 1000m really started to feel the arm beginning to fatigue...a lot of positive thought was required...but wasn't too bad. Felt good....was thinking about the way in which this is conditioning my body/arm and the benefits it will give me in the races ahead of me!

Saturday's Swim Session - Coaching

Saturday - AM Session

The Session: Run: 90-120 min @ 140-160hr after coach swim session

This is how it all panned out!

  • Run to swimming (10km) (Valley Pool)
  • Coach the squad
  • Run Home (10km)
It was a good the time!

Couple of points to put it into context:

  • It was quite warm at 5am and the Sun had not yet shown itself.
  • Its was about 80-90% humidity.
  • I was wearing a back pack.


The Stats Review:



Session Reflections:

  • Very unmotivated and sluggish at the beginning of the run. I felt like a slug with the back pack on my back
  • After 2km of running (inbound) I was wet through!
  • The humidity was unbelievable...but it was one of those challenges you just have to tough out! Which I did! Normally I don't mind running in the heat! I wonder how much the unhealthy dinner the night before and the poor hydration affected me.....HEAPS!!!
  • As the run went on things got a little better...the frame of mind improved...if I can just get the right mind set when I'm training I think I would improve even more!
  • The run inbound was predominately downhill...therefore the run outbound was predominately uphill...........really an athlete like myself shouldn't be 'crying poor' over these such of just a matter of hardening up...building a bridge and getting over it....this is what I meant in my previous point!
  • The sun was out for the run home and it had just finished raining.....hmmmmmm nicccccce!
  • The run outbound was a challenge...I took it in my stride and used it as a valuable learning experience!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday - PM Session

The Session: Core strength: 20 sec one leg prone hold; 20 sec one leg squat hold; 5 diamond push ups x 15

Poor attitude here...but's Friday afternoon and after sitting through a 2hr meeting this was never going to happen!

Friday - AM Session

This morning was a trip to Ride Inside.

The Session: Ride Inside - first session. Ride there and back for total 2.5hrs. Strength efforts

To be specific the set I did was 5 x 7min strength efforts (50-60rpm) with 3 min recovery. Within the 7min effort each minute at the 40sec mark remaining in the same gearing increase the cadence to above 80rpm for 20sec.

The Stats Review:

Session Reflections:

  • Its getting a little little more humid!
  • I have been ensuring that I work to the same resistance on the trainer each week I have been doing these strength sets. I have been finding that I am able to go to a higher gearing each week and still be able to maintain the target cadence.
  • I find the 20sec burst stimulate the muscle and prevent the legs getting too use to the same resistance....stimulates those fast twitch muscles.
  • Legs are starting to feel a lot stronger...they are not fatiguing as quickly..but we still have a little way to go.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday - PM Session

Back in the pool....

The session was about 2.4km.

Session Reflections:
  • Kick still on the improve
  • Head is still a little issue...just need to be a little more conscious of it.
  • Head/mental space could be a little more's the voice interrupting my training!

Thursday - AM Session

Zzzzzzzzz is so nice to have a sleep in!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday - PM Session

Throughout the day the rain developed....bit of a novel idea really...we don't often see this type a rain...the gauge was filling up...and so was the tank....NICE.

The PM session : Run: 45 min @ under 150hr and 15 min stretch

I have to say one of the most soothing thing I like to do is to run in the rain! It sounds a little odd but hey I find it relaxing, and what is even better is running in the rain at night. Today was this run!

People say well what about your shoes...they get wet and you slide in your shoes....SOOOOO! Its only 10km/45min! And remember...not all races are dry!

I think I need this to 'get off the spinning world for a bit' :-)

The Stats Review:

Session Reflections:
  • Shoes weren't that wet!
  • Geee it was a nice run....can a run ever be soothing....I think so!
  • HR was well behaved!
  • Legs a little slugish but not bad
  • Strecthing after the run was also soothing!

Wednesday - AM Session

Ride: 2 hrs in 39/18-23 @ 95+ cadence and 150hr average. Go over rolling hills

The put it didn't happen!

The world spins and sometimes it would just be nice to get off....just for enough time to get re-focused and find my direction.

The swim seem to take out a little more than it usually does.....most likely still feeling the effects of Noosa. Felt very tired this morning. Motivation levels were rock bottom and there was a big day at work ahead of just wasn't going to happen!

I think the other thing I need to do is get organised in terms of riding/running to work...this week end the OCD is coming out!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday PM Session

Tonight was all about....WELCOME Back!

Yes, it was time to get back into the is only 5-6 weeks to Canberra HIM....Bring...IT...ON!

The swim session was about 2.0km in total and it wasn't really a gentle welcome was a more in your face welcome back. was character building.

The shoulders were a little stiff...but other than that I was happy with my performance tonight.

A couple of points to note about my swimming:
  • The kick development is coming along fine.
  • However, the head is a little too high at times.....need to focus on this!

Tuesday Morning

Nothing much here to read....Resting for the AM session

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Monday after the Day before

Monday...this of course is a rest day to recover from the Noosa Tri yesterday.

How am I feeling? Glad you asked. In a word...Great. I have no niggles...a little tired but other than that I believe it was a successful Noosa campaign.

Well done to all the other BTS athletes who participated was a stirling effort by all.

It is amazing that when you a coach put the challenge to a group of male athletes how their competitive nature come out...not in a egocentric way but in a way in which brings the best out of an athlete. What is even better is when those athlete perform to a point where their times are so close over a Olympic distance triathlon that there is only a matter of seconds separating them.