Monday, February 9, 2009

Lead-up to 2009 Snap Geelong

Lead-up to Race Day

The week leading up to Geelong was a relatively normal week.

The program for the week was as follows:

Monday: AM - Rest, PM - Core Strength
Tuesday: AM - Track Session (Run Drills), PM - Swim Session
Wednesday: AM - Ride: 3hrs in big ring @ easy - moderate pace along undulating hills (Dayboro Loop, PM - Swim Session
Thursday: AM - Run: Mt. Cootha trail run. 90 mins- 2hrs. Ignore hr on hills but keep easy on flat. PM - Swim Session
Friday: AM - Rest, PM - Rest
Saturday: AM - Swim/bike/run: 15 mins of each easy, PM - Rest
Sunday: AM - Race: Geelong 70.3, PM - Rest

Reflections of Training this week:
  • The Tuesday AM session was worthwhile. Conditions were challenging, rained throughout the session. Good conditioning....races are not going to be necessarily a dry one!
  • Swim session that even was again very worthwhile. 3km set and felt good throughout.
  • Wednesday morning ride was the Dayboro loop and then into work. Bit of rain throughout the ride. Very mist rain from just outside Dayboro through to Petrie. This was a good 2hr 30min ride with a 30min ride home after work.
  • The Wednesday evening swim was again one that was enjoyable. the swim is something that I am really enjoying at the moment I believe that I have made some real progress. I have been focusing on just 1 or 2 things. They are my body roll/reach with the arm just as I am about to breath, trying to get the most advantage out of the pull without over extending my reach. The second is to use the glide of the stroke a little more to my advantage and then the third is to really work on the pull in the first part of my stroke.
  • Wednesday evening began to feel a little bit of a head cold coming on and decided to dose up on the cold and flu tablets.
  • Thursday morning - met up with Rich for run around Mt Cootha we both had 90min to 2hr on our programs and both we feeling a little off our game so an 90min had to do for the run. The head cold was not getting any better in fact the throat was really quite sore. Not particular something that I want to worry about with the race this weekend.
  • Decided to give Thursday even swim a miss, trying to get on top of the flu thing.
  • Friday was a rest morning and PM session. I flew down to Melbourne at 4.00pm that afternoon. Cost me a mere $40.00 in excess baggage not to bad compared to my last trip down to Geelong. Was able to catch up on a bit of sleep on the plane trip about 90min worth of 'shut eye'
  • Picked up the hire car and drove an hour into Geelong. Met up with Rich and spent some time putting the bike back together as the plan was to be out about 8am in the morning for a ride over part of the bike course.

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